Monday, July 2, 2007

The only constant - CHANGE !

I have been influenced by Alvin Toffler trilogy, The Future Shock, Third Wave and Power Shift. They were written in the 1970's and late 80's. You can see his forecasts becoming facts. We are in a hyper-change environment.

Change affects each one of us, whether you are an ascetic meditating in the Himalayas , a busy IT professional in Bangalore or a Wall Street Analyst.

The underlying paradigms/foundations are changing as we move from the First (agricultural) wave, to the Second (Industrial) and then the Third Wave (Post Industrial/Information). Each wave has major differences and the change of waves is disruptive. Often a country is in different waves at the same time. For example India, the tribals/Adivasis are in the First wave, the industrial in the Second while IT and knowledge based service sector is in the Third wave. The First and Third wave have many common features structures and processes hence the transition from the First to the Third wave is less traumatic then from the Second to the Third, or First to the second. That is some consolation for Third World countries trying to transition from First to Second waves. They probably would be better of to skip the Second wave all together !

IT and the Internet are powerful tools which allow us to develop new and powerful processes and can be used to develop systems to help us cross the "Wave barrier" with less pain.

Summing up, change is here to stay, let us understand the process and swim with the flow rather than resist it.

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